Let’s Prepare a Yummiest Nutella- Easiest Recipe

Let’s Prepare a Yummiest Nutella- Easiest Recipe

Nutella is basically a brand of sweet hazelnut-choco spread. But due to its immense familiarity, today Nutella is meaningful to the dish. But what stands as an obstacle is the fact that a jar of Nutella includes good amount of sugar and other fattening agents. This is why many of the healthy eaters might unwillingly give it a skip from their diet. Relatable

Lets see the simple steps to make a tastiest nutella:


Hazelnut- 1cup
Unsweetened cocoa powder – 3tbsp
Dates- 6 (medium)
Almond milk – 3/4 cup
Vanilla extract – 1/2 tsp
Coconut oil – 2tbsp
Maple syrup -2tbsp
Salt – a pinch


  1. Grind oven roasted hazelnut until it turns smooth and buttery.
  2. Add rest of the ingredients and blend well. And voila!

Believe us, it’s as easy as it sounds. You can also store it in a clean and dry air-tight jar for future use.

Digi Skynet

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