
Google Meet Companion Mode in September

Google Meet Companion Mode in September. Google Meet is getting a new 'Companion Mode' characteristic, via an replace, that permits… Read More

3 years ago

Hallmarking Of Gold Jewellery Begins Today

Hallmarking Of Gold Jewellery Begins Today. Mandatory hallmarking of gold jewelry started out from today, June 15, after the authorities… Read More

3 years ago

China Send Astronauts to Space Station In June

China Send Astronauts to Space Station In June, A three-man group of space travelers will launch in June for a… Read More

3 years ago

Benjamin Netanyahu Could Lose PM Job As Rivals

Benjamin Netanyahu Could Lose PM Job As Rivals Israeli nationalist hardliner Naftali Bennett said Sunday he would join a potential… Read More

3 years ago

Unconstitutional Acts Nepal Opposition Alliance

Unconstitutional Acts Nepal Opposition Alliance on Sunday asked all state foundations not to help Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli government's… Read More

3 years ago

Horses Crave To Death As Pandemic Hits

Horses Crave To Death As Pandemic Hits In excess of 20 horse have kicked the bucket of starvation in only… Read More

3 years ago

California Review Disreputable Case Of Death

California will release a new probe into the high-profile case of a death row inmate convicted of the murder of… Read More

3 years ago

Rafael Nadal Says We Won’t Be The Athletes We Are!: Outline

Rafael Nadal said Friday that without the media "we will not be the athletes that we are today" as Naomi… Read More

3 years ago

Release Soyuz Rocket With OneWeb Telecom Satellites

The release of a Soyuz rocket carrying 36 UK telecommunication and Internet satellites has been postponed until Friday, the Russian… Read More

3 years ago