Swiss Fried Potatoes Recipe. Swiss Fried Potatoes is a scrumptious formula from Switzerland. This nibble of the European Cuisine is made with swiss cheddar and margarine which can be adored by a few road food sweethearts. Switzerland is known for its cheddar industrial facilities which are renowned from one side of the planet to the other.
Made with hacked onions, pureed potatoes and pepper powder, this bite will be wonderful for your taste buds. Assuming you are in a disposition to enjoy a new thing, evaluate this formula which is made with effectively accessible fixings and tastes glorious! You would cherish it without a doubt, trust us! Along these lines, make a note of the means recorded here and get everything rolling!
Elements for making Swiss Fried Potatoes Recipe
8 medium boiled,peeled potato
salt as required
1/2 teaspoon powdered dark pepper
2 cleaved onion
1 cup diced Swiss cheddar
water as required
1/2 cup margarine
For Garnishing
2 cleaved green stew
Elements for making Swiss Fried Potatoes Recipe
Stage 1
In any case this formula, take a dish, add 1 cup of water and salt as required. Begin heating up the water. Add potatoes to it. When the potatoes are bubbled, switch off the fire. Strip the potatoes tenderly and cut them into stripes.
Stage 2
Then, take a profound skillet and begin warming the margarine on a low fire. Add the striped potatoes, hacked onion, and diced Swiss cheddar onto it.
Stage 3
Then, add pepper and salt according as you would prefer. Continue to cook the blend till the potatoes become light brown in variety. With the assistance of a scoop, press the potatoes and structure a little cake out of it.
Stage 4
You can add water in the event that you like. Cook it for an additional 8 minutes till it becomes light brown from both the sides.
Stage 5
At long last, once cooked, transform the cake like firm nibble on the serving plate. Embellish it with green chilies and serve warm.
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