
Spicy Capsicum Fried Rice Recipe

Spicy Capsicum Fried Rice Recipe. With a South Indian bend to the cherished seared rice, this Spicy Capsicum Rice recipe will cause everybody to need for more.

Capsicum Fried Rice

Spicy Capsicum Fried Rice RecipeSpicy Capsicum Fried Rice Recipe

As you slide into the masaledar universe of Indian flavors, this dish will entice your taste buds as far as possible.

Arranged utilizing masala powder, rice, capsicums, onions, curry leaves and flavors, this dish makes certain to be a moment hit.

Capsicum is perfect for your visual perception, hair development, insusceptibility, and heart wellbeing, and integrating this basic yet wholesome fixing in the recipe adds that additional punch to the exemplary dish.

This dish can be served at snacks and meals, or at exceptional events. Your visitors in your kitty gatherings, potlucks, or smorgasbords will go crazy over its zesty goodness.

In only 20 minutes, you can taste the severe zest of the green capsicum among the delicate and sensitive surface of the rice, blended in with the masala that gives it mouth-watering hotness.

The entire dish is offset by the red pepper that the rice is served in, which tastes better because of it’s sugar content.

Prepare to astonish your loved ones with this delectable and sensitive dish that will take their breath away.

Prepare your pots and container, and follow us through this simple recipe for a hot and tart dish!

Assuming you like this recipe, you could likewise like Spicy Potatoes, Spicy Murukku, or Spicy Apple Chips.

How to make Spicy Capsicum Rice

Stage 1

To begin setting up this recipe, begin by washing the rice and afterward drenching it for around 30 minutes.

Then, at that point, take a profound dish and bubble water in it.

Whenever the water begins bubbling, add the splashed rice and cook till it turns out to be delicate.

While that cooks, take the onions, capsicums, green stew and coriander leaves and wash them under running water.

Then, at that point, utilizing a clean cleaving load up, slash them up independently.

Stage 2

Presently, take a different dish over medium fire and intensity oil in it.

At the point when the oil is sufficiently hot, add cumin seeds, slashed onions, ginger glue, flavors and stew, and sautéed food them till they transmit a smell.

Then, add the slashed capsicum alongside the peas to the combination and pan fried food for 5-7 minutes.

Stage 3

Season the masala with salt and pepper.

Shower a little water and afterward add the cooked rice to it.

Combine everything as one and cook for two or three minutes. Whenever it’s cooked, switch off the fire.

Stage 4

At long last, take the red ringer peppers and cut it open from the top.

Take out the seeds from within utilizing a spoon and move the Spicy Capsicum Rice to it.

Put them on a serving plate and partake in the heavenly feast with papad or curd.

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Digi Skynet

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Digi Skynet
Tags: food

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