Potato and Peas Salad Recipe. Potato and Peas Salad is a straightforward and simple to create salad formula which can be ready in simply a question of 15 minutes. You will be astonished to realize that not at all like other serving of mixed greens plans, which use part of green verdant vegetable, this one is made with bubbled peas and pureed potatoes. In addition, it’s likewise added with mustard powder, salt and hacked green chilies which add volumes as its would prefer.
It very well may be served on unique events, for example, kitty gatherings or smorgasbords. Along these lines, assuming you are expecting a few visitors over, treat them to this lip-smacking salad and luxuriate in the commendations that would follow! Make a gander at the strides that we have recorded here to assist you with strolling through the interaction.
Elements for making Potato and Peas Salad Recipe
1/2 teaspoon yogurt (curd)
salt as required
1/4 cup peas
1/2 green stew
2 potato
1 tablespoon coriander leaves
1/4 teaspoon mustard powder
1/4 cup new cream
Instructions to make Potato and Peas Salad Recipe
Stage 1
In any case, heat up the potatoes for an hour around evening time. Following day, strip the skin and crush the potatoes.
Stage 2
Then, at that point, heat up the peas and slash the green chilies.
Stage 3
Blend every one of the fixings in a bowl. Add salt, mustard powder, curd and cream to the blend. Utilize a spoon or your hands to appropriately blend the items in the bowl. Serve this plate of mixed greens alongside curry dish of your decision.
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