Moong Dal Khichdi Recipe
Khichdi has for quite some time been a solace nourishment for some. It is a dish that many single men and hostlers love as it has all the sustenance in it. It very well may be ready in more ways than one utilizing various lentils. Here is one such form, which is nutritious yet simple to-make.
Moong Dal Khichdi is arranged utilizing less fixings and in least time; and you can turn to this dish at whatever point you don’t want to cook an intricate spread. This tasty khichdi is ideal for an end of the week to loosen up the entire week’s pressure.
Have some time off from the normal suppers and set up this light dish that preferences extraordinary and is awesome for wellbeing too. This dish is plentiful in fiber, L-ascorbic acid, magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.
Assuming your children are fastidious eaters and you battle with taking care of them food that is nutritious for them, your children will adore this khichdi which will furnish them with exceptional taste alongside their everyday healthful necessities.
Made under 20-minutes, this dish utilizes the most normally accessible flavors and can be arranged even by a fledgling cook. Along these lines, follow this bit by bit recipe to set up this flavorful pleasure and appreciate with your friends and family.
Elements of Moong Dal Khichdi
1 cup moong dal
5 cup water
2 huge tomato
2 pieces green stew
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
salt as required
1 cup rice
2 huge onion
2 teaspoon cumin seeds
1/2 teaspoon asafoetida
3 tablespoon ghee
1 inches ginger
The most effective method to make Moong Dal Khichdi
Stage 1 Soak dal and rice
To make this tasty khichdi, wash and absorb moong dal and rice water. Leave the blend undisturbed for something like 30-40 minutes.
Stage 2 Saute the flavors and cook dal-rice together
Then, in a tension cooker heat ghee. Once warmed, include cumin seeds with finely slashed onions. Saute for 2-3 minutes until onions begin losing variety, then add slashed tomatoes, hacked chillies and ground ginger, with asafoetida and turmeric.
Saute briefly and afterward add the depleted rice and moong dal.
Stage 3 Pressure cook the blend
Presently, cook the blend for around 2-5 minutes then, at that point, add water with salt. Cover the cooker and strain cook for 7-8 whistles on high fire. Allow the strain to deliver normally.
Stage 4 Garnish and serve hot
Once done, check assuming you want to add more water and stew till you get right consistency. Switch off the fire, and move the khichdi in a serving dish. Top with ghee and serve hot.
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