
Love with these yummy recipes

Love with these yummy recipes. In the event that you wish to fight the lump and remain in top shape, go for these sound recipes doled out by Pavithra. N. Raj, Chief Dietician, Columbia Asia Referral Hospital Yeshwanthpur, which you will without a doubt appreciate eating! You can likewise present these recipes during your family parties as well. These recipes will entice your taste buds without a doubt!

Love with these yummy recipesLove with these yummy recipes

Curry-broiled sweet pumpkin and chickpeas


2 huge sweet pumpkin, stripped, cultivated and diced

One cup chickpeas, depleted, washed and dried

1/2 cup oil

1 tablespoon curry powder

salt and newly ground pepper

3 cups plain entire milk yogurt

cup cleaved coriander

3 tablespoons lemon juice


You ought to preheat the broiler to 375 c. Take an enormous bowl and throw the sweet pumpkins with the chickpeas, oil, curry powder and season with salt and pepper. Spread the sweet pumpkins and chickpeas on a baking sheet and dish for 60 minutes. They will become delicate.

Then, at that point, in a medium bowl, you can mix the yogurt with the hacked coriander leaves and lemon juice. Afterward, season it with salt and pepper.

Love with these yummy recipes

Spoon the broiled sweet pumpkins and chickpeas onto a platter and shower with cup of the yogurt sauce.


Why this recipe is great for you?

Pumpkins are plentiful in vitamin An and cell reinforcements and can assist with killing the harm caused because of the free revolutionaries.

The vitamin An in pumpkin can assist you with helping your resistance and remain sound.

They are stacked with beta-carotene and can assist you with improving your vision.

Saut ed zucchini with ginger and dill


cup oil

2 garlic cloves, split

2 medium shallots, daintily cut

1 tablespoon new ginger minced

3 little zucchini, cut into – inch-thick adjusts

cup cleaved dill

1 tablespoon dried pomegranate seeds

Salt to taste


You ought to warm oil in a profound skillet.

Then you can add garlic and cook over for about a moment.

Add the shallots and mix until they become delicate.

Add ginger and cook for few moments.

Add zucchini and cook until it becomes brown. Mix the astounding dill and pomegranate seeds and you can then prepare the combination with salt.

Serve in a bowl.

Why this recipe is really great for you?

Dill is jam-loaded with manganese, folate, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and cell reinforcements and can assist you with disposing of free extremists.

It has carminative properties and can assist you with easing fart.

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