
Kerala Mutton Stew Recipe

Kerala Mutton Stew Recipe. An exceptionally well known South Indian recipe, Kerala Mutton Stew is a scrumptious dish made with lamb, potatoes and onions. You can savor the flavor of this luscious non-veggie lover recipe on unique events like family social gatherings, potlucks or kitty parties. This primary dish can be effortlessly ready at home for a unique supper or lunch. This lamb dish is cooked in mustard oil, which adds an interesting fragrance and flavor to the dish.

It tastes extraordinary when matched with steamed rice, roti and even pooris. The delicious bits of sheep will certainly be cherished by everybody. This South Indian recipe is brimming with sweet-smelling flavors as it is made with a melange of Indian flavors. You can likewise pack this heavenly stew recipe for tiffin. Anyway, why stand by? Attempt it now with your friends and family! You can likewise get ready Mutton Rogan Josh, Hyderabadi Mutton Biryani and Mutton Fry.

Elements of Kerala Mutton Stew

2 Servings
250 gm lamb
2 green stew
1/2 teaspoon peppercorns
salt as required
2 squeezes garam masala powder
25 gm bubbled carrot
50 gm onion
5 gm ginger

1/2 cup coconut milk
50 ml mustard oil
70 gm bubbled potato
5 curry leaves

For Garnishing
1 tablespoon cleaved coriander leaves

Kerala Mutton Stew Recipe

Instructions to make Kerala Mutton Stew

Stage 1
To set up this intriguing lamb recipe, first wash and clean the sheep under chilly running water. Then, heat a container over medium fire and add 4-5 cups of water. Add the lamb pieces, squashed ginger and salt in it. Cook with the cover on over low fire till the meat is cooked. Ginger will give the meat a delicious flavor.

Stage 2
In a different vessel, bubble potatoes and carrots. Heat mustard oil in a skillet over a moderate fire and add garam masala, onion, green chillies, ginger, curry leaves and peppercorns. Saute these fixings well.

Stage 3
Add bubbled sheep pieces, potatoes and carrot alongside coconut milk and cook the combination for 5-6 minutes on medium fire. Ensure that the consistency of the sauce isn’t excessively thick. Whenever it is cooked, move the dish to a serving bowl and trimming the delectable lamb recipe with slashed coriander leaves and serve hot with any side dish of your decision!

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