Celery Soup Recipe. such dish is Celery Soup recipe, which is https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=Awr9IlTnxmti4HEAiA1XNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzIEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1651259240/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.yourdictionary.com%2fsuperdelicious/RK=2/RS=mnEAkhwwAC9CgYDRyVv.i2UymHw-super-delicious and can be prepared anytime. soup recipe is truly delicious and is a perfect way to treat your loved ones in monsoon and winter season. Cooked using celery, heavy cream, chicken broth, unsalted butter, potato, onion, virgin olive oil and dill seeds, this soup recipe is extremely rich in fibre and is gluten free as well.
1 teaspoon sea salt
6 sprigs celery
1/4 cup dill seed
50 gm unsalted butter
1 large potato
1 teaspoon virgin olive oil
1/2 cup heavy cream
3 cup chicken broth
1 medium onion
Step 1
To begin with, take a potato and chop it roughly. Take a large celery stick and separate the head of the celery to chop it. Chop the remaining celery and cut the onion in a separate bowl.
Step 2
Next, put a pan on medium flame and melt some butter in it. Once melted, add chopped celery, potato, onion and unsalted butter and adjust the seasonings.
Step 3
Cook the mixture till the onions are tender, keep stirring while it is on heat. Once onions are tender, add chicken broth to the mixture and let it reduce till the potatoes are tender. And when the potatoes are cooked, keep the pan away from heat and let it cool.
Step 4
Then, put the contents in a blender jar and blend the mixture to a smooth puree. Add in dill and strain. Add heavy cream and serve it hot.
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