
Cabbage Dosai Recipe

Cabbage Dosai Recipe. Cabbage Dosai is an astounding combination of a plain dosa with the cabbage. On the off chance that you are a dosa sweetheart, you ought to evaluate this recipe soon. On the off chance that you love to explore different avenues regarding the dishes, take a stab at adding the cabbage dosai to your menu, and find out how this dosa is turning out to make you need to have it more.

Anybody can fall head over heels for the dosa and it is one of the most incredible South Indian indulgences that is massively adored by individuals the country over.

You can serve this heavenly dosa recipe on events like gatherings and social affairs, and your visitors will adore it without a doubt! Evaluate this simple recipe before the cafés bait you to spend your valuable cash on simple to-make recipes which you can cook at your home also. Likewise, in the event that you are a veggie lover searching for sound breakfast choices, you should attempt this delicious dish at home.

Elements of Cabbage Dosai

6 Servings
2 cup drenched for the time being rice
salt as required
2 dry red bean stew
1/2 cup slashed onion
2 teaspoon cumin seeds

3 tablespoon refined oil
tamarind as required
2 teaspoon coriander seeds
1 little finely cleaved cabbage
1 cup ground coconut

Cabbage Dosai Recipe

Step by step instructions to make Cabbage Dosai

Stage 1
To set up this delightful recipe, drench the rice for the time being. Dry the rice and move it into the processor. Add the cumin seeds, coriander seeds alongside ground coconut and tamarind pieces in the container. Crush it into a smooth glue. Utilize the expected measure of water.

Stage 2
After the combination is ready, add the finely cleaved onions and cabbages in the hitter. Utilize a laddle to blend every one of the fixings well. See that no irregularities are framed.

Stage 3
Heat a griddle over medium fire and put 2-3 teaspoons of oil. Utilize the scoop of the container to spread the oil all through the dish. Take as much amount as a cup from the combination and begin circumnavigating it slim all through the skillet.

Stage 4
Permit each side of the dosa to get a simmered variety on its surface and cook well. Add not many more drops of oil if necessary. Rehash something very similar until the whole combination is done.

Stage 5
Throw it to see that both the sides are all around cooked. Overlay it into equal parts and serve it hot with pureed tomatoes or red cold chutney and appreciate!

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