Categories: FoodHealth

3 Summer Breakfast Ideas That Are Sure To Leave You Slurping

Summers are here and we are preparing our tummies for all things summery and cool. A lot of us complain about upset stomach and indigestion during these flaming months. According to experts, you should try to eat most of you meals at home, for you cannot be hundred percent sure of the ingredients they use outside. Summers come loaded with a lots of yummy fruits and vegetables and there are a plethora of dishes you can incorporate in them. You can make your mornings so much fun with all the summery goodness.

Here Are Delicious Summer Breakfast Ideas You Can Try out in this Season:

1. Watermelon And Strawberry Smoothie:

Smoothies are fun, filling and so easy to make. Blend in your favorite fruits, veggies, nuts with yogurt and there you have it, a true slurp-worthy affair! This smoothie packs two of our most favorite summer essentials – watermelon and strawberry. Topped with healthy chia seeds, this yummy and tastiest smoothie is a perfect way to ward of early morning blues.

2. Oatmeal, Yogurt And Fruit Breakfast Medley:

This wholesome breakfast is one delicious protein booster. Packed with the oats, cooling yogurt, fruits, and nuts, this breakfast dish is sure to make your day.

3. Strawberry Quinoa Pancakes Quinoa:

Quinoa is a fairly versatile ingredient, and high-end restaurants around the world are going all out in experimenting with the wonder pseudo-grain. The high-protein ingredient can be roasted and made into pancakes. Bathed in milk, dipped in orange essence, these pancakes are given a delicious final touch with a handful of strawberries on top.

Digi Skynet

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